Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday, Sunday

     So, another Sunday in the household.  A pretty typical one so far...knock wood. Son sleeping   Husband, after a cleaning frenzy, watching an old Foreign Legion film and me, well, me, just here.   Wondering what to do.  Wasting time with sooo much i could be doing.  Wondering why every morning i wake up feeling this nameless terror, this tightness in my chest like a fist around my heart. Why i want to cry, at least several times a day. Why the smallest thing hurts so much. Why there are so many things going wrong in life lately and i can't do much of anything about any of them. So damn helpless.

    Yep, i am full of "Why's" today.......not to mention whines.

            Gotta go, feel a cry coming on.....

1 comment:

  1. I hate that morning fear. Makes everything that much more difficult. As if we need more difficulties!

