Saturday, July 9, 2011 i ain't got nothing but this roll of the dice."

   So. Yeah. Hi Everybody.

   i "decided" to take a litle "vacay".  In   the   "Looney Bin".  Yep, t h a t 's   right.  Only i could land myself there rather than say....the beaches of Maui or something.

  So, something in me finally cracked, i guess, amidst all the pressure of being told how wonderful i am for being here and how much i'm helping my Mom and aren't i great...not.  (i think maybe one of the final straws was the Bishop of Mom's ward saying to her, about me "i love that girl, i want to see her out to church.")  Now, he is a wonderful man and has done so much for Dad and Mom, but i am not here to be his or anyone else's project...and i know i am reading WAY too much in to what people say and i sound mean and horrible, but that's just how it feels inside.......

Anyhow, a few nights ago, i guess i decided to "show" everyone what a horrible person i am and that's right, look out, you don't want a n y t h i n g  to do with me, so i went waaaaay overboard with the ETOH and cut up my arm.   Reward?   Stiches and a ticket to Psychoville.

 Well, the one good thing that happened was i met alot of really sweet, funny, wonderful people while i was has always been that way.....

         'Kay, so long story short.

          Hope you lovelies are all well.  Please take care, loves you!

   PS  Mich  Your blog and pictures are hilarious...thank you so very much for cheering me up!   Maigre   i am so very sorry things are so bad. Please snail mail or e-mail as soon as you want...i would love to hear from you.  That goes for any other interested snailers!


  1. Hmmm....I must admit that you are sounding somewhat on the cusp of a breakdown. I also love going to the nut house. It is like a vacation of sorts with no shoe strings. LOL! I do wish you all the best Tracy. Take it easy on yourself.

  2. Nuh. . .abah. . . GAH!!

    This is what I get for studying instead of blog-reading D:

    You need to look after yourself TOOOOOOOO!!!!!!1! I hope you feel better soon. Still all in shock-like so I'll have to send you E-Hugs since I'm deprived of word-ability.


    P.S. I'm usually too broke to buy stamps but I'd still like to exchange the occasional letter with you <3

  3. Oh dear, I hope you're doing ok!! We all have our breaking point. To be honest, with all the stress you've been under and all the weight you carry on your shoulders, I'm impressed you held up so well under all that pressure. You do so much for everyone else and hardly ever stop to take care of yourself--even when you do stop to consider yourself, you seem to think that's selfish. It's not at all. <3 <3

    I hope the people in your life realize how much you do for them.

    You may be a bit lunar, but remember--all the best people are.

  4. I hope you're doing better now too! How great would it be if all the "Looney Bins" were located on some paradise island (:

    I'm sorry for not sending the letter already, but i promise it'll be out soon!
