Thursday, August 11, 2011

Privacy Yep, It' A "Poor Me" Post

  It seems like many blogs are going private these days.  "Tales From the Serenity Hospital", which i really enjoyed, went private long ago.  Needless to say, i really miss it.     Another blog i really liked, a Medical Student, now in her second year, went private some time ago. i (foolishly asked for an invite on another blog, now i am glad i didn't get one.)   i would just be totally envious of her life...the perfect life of the perfect medical student. Besides, who wants to be in a club where no one wants you, right?

  If you, whoever you are, haven't already figured it out, i am on a REAL downer at the moment.  A "Life Sucks" kind of few days....weeks.....?  What a whiney one i am.

        And, yes, you guessed it.....i don't take rejection easily.   Got the latest stiches to show for it.  TMI.Not related to blogs, but to life in general.

   Rest In Peace, Dear Brittany Murphy.

  "i wake up in the morning and i wonder, why everything's the same as it was....."

   Annnnnd, i just keep getting FATTER and fatter and wish i could just hibernate and pop laxitives...but apparently that's not in the cards and mom has a full social calendar planned. Sh#t.

  PS  Me again.   Now, one of my favorite blogs has gone private. One i have followed for years. One i thought was a friend. i am probably over reacting, but that is just me, the way i am.

      Thanks, all, for your sweet comments. i don't feel so alone anymore.

   And, somehow, i don't want to ask for an invite to her blog because that is sooooo whiney and pathetic, jut like my DX.  By the way Maigre, i know i would like you tons, no mattter what.  Wow. You sound like me, sweetie!


  1. i totally get your feelings of envy (boy do i know that well) and you're not whiney! Everyone complains some time or another (: and it might be your mental image that's getting fatter? 'cause i know mine is. i always look down and feel surprised, 'cause i expect to see an obese individual's body :/

    I'm sorry it's taken so long to send you one letter, it's just that... i'm afraid you won't like me after finding our more about me... Somehow i find myself quite dislikable...

    i think i'll email you instead, that way i can click send before thinking it through (:

  2. I hate when blogs go private! Especially ones that I love reading, but I don't know well enough to ask for an invite.

  3. If you can't complain on your blog, you can't complain anywhere. <3

    Rejection is one of the most difficult things to take. and I don't know what's worse--allowing yourself to feel the pain of rejection and then picking yourself up again, a little stronger for next time; or completely numbing yourself so that you can't feel the rejection, but as a side effect you can't feel anything else either.

    Between the two of us, there must be a happy medium!!

    How long are you going to be at mom's? I want to send you something exciting. <3

    Hope you feel better, my muffin. xoxoxoxoxoxox

  4. I got your package yesterday, and i wanted you to know that Ricky the raccoon is my current snuggling stuffed toy. (I always have one, especially in summer, as kitty doesnt like snuggling in summer). would it freak you out if i said I wish I had you to snuggle with at night? obviously in a non-creepy way. :) Sometimes I just wish I had someone to snuggle with. xoxo

  5. Mich,

    You are so sweet. Glad you liked Ricky-he reminded me of the racoon you wrote about sometime back, who came to visit and freaked out the kitties! Definately not creepy, i know what you mean! ;)

  6. Haha I love how we both presumed the earthquake was just a side effect of various substances.... XD

    I think that says something possibly profound about us, and our mental states. <3

  7. Tracy my darling, you haven't posted in AAAAAAAGES!!!! I miss you. Am still in the process of putting a lovely package of goodies together for you, but since I procrastinate AND have the attention span of a concussed goldfish, it might take me a while.....

  8. Wait, why the hell am I not following your blog? What the shit?

    I wanna kiss your stitches better. Laurie and Hope (Nephew and Niece) would too.

    Fuck I hate when blogs go private. I figure, if you wanted to keep your words private, you wouldn't blog in the first place! Blogs are, by nature, a public forum. Privacy is for those little lock-up diaries or the confines of your own skull *Facedesk*

    Ok, I'm going to fix the following issue now and turn up the volume on that video to block the sound of the icecream man. They have eftpos now. HELP!!!


  9. I'm going to start harassing you daily until you post again. <3
