Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

   Must go do things, must go do things.....!

            Love to All!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Day Before Takeoff....

   So, here i sit, playing on the computer when tomorrow we jet of to the gala Thanksgiving Weekend...gah, i haven't even taken a shower yet...eewwwwww.

  Thank you everyone who replied to my last post. i know it wasn't an easy topic to talk about. The Psych, although you could tell he was a bit dissapointed, was nice enough about things., all in all and i have some time to work on things, as i don't see him until, use that time wisely, t!

      Have to put this adorable video up, before Fox decides to remove it, as we KNOW they will!  It's sooo cozy and i LOVE  "Klaine".

      Better go get something done....much as i'd rather crawl back in to bed!

                    Loves to All!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

"There's Something You're Not Telling Me......."

     Gah.  In just over an hour i have to leave to go to the Psych and confess that i really screwed up this past week, concerning the things i was supposed to be improving upon.  And, yes, i am scared. because i have been kicked out on one memorable occasion.  And threatened with no therapy for "misbehaving" from another, yes, i do have trust "issues".  This is only the third time i have seen this particular shrink.And no, i don't want to "lose" him.  Spoken like a true BPD.   My only saving grace is that last time he did mention that he "....can't tell me what to do."     Or something like that.

              i hate being a FAILURE!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Dream

     Hello Everyone and thank you sooooo much for your comments...i love hearing from you!

      Just a quick note for anyone who happens to go to the page explaining "Black Sabbath".....there is a video up called "What Does Aliyah Look Like?"    Thay is my "fantasy" visit to tours, no tour guides...just being able to somehow find a few friendly Israeli's to show me around.....dream on.....!

Friday, November 11, 2011

.....and just like they say, nothing good ever lasts....."

     Since blogger keeps eating the rest of my post, i will try again.

        Paryt of One tonight. (Hubs has to work).  Well, it only happens once a year....once in a lifetime this year.

               Love you!

You Like a Good Sweat, Dr. Fleishman?

    Well, Hi.

           Looks like the "Ford, Ririe, Barnett Thanksgiving Weekend Houseparty Trainwreck" is right on schedule. Chris is, as you can imagine, is especially excited...ha!     We have already figured an especially devious way to get the potant potables in to the house...survival, we call it...if only our plan works. i wish i could say i could give you moment by moment updates of this holiday fun, however, we shall be at the house where all of the computers are haunted by some mysterious Spirit...and not a happy one. So sad.

         Annnnnd, Sam wants to go shopping on "Black Sabbath".    Explanation here.