Wednesday, January 11, 2012

"Funny When People Hear your'e Dead, They Listen...."

   i have heard that song on the radio the last few times i have worked out  ........ if you can call it that, compared to what other people do........

    But i'll never die while i' i give you of my favoritotes  (sp?)   As Alwayas...i can't spelll...and i am FAT HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  Yeah i am depressed !  Is she falling to her death.........?      Or is she cowering under the covers......?

 like i?       i hear the rain would be lovely if it wound't  destroy house..   :(

   Edit   i fixed it a little.  Now i am embarrassed by this post, but will leave it up as punishment.....thanks for the sweet remarks....


  1. Lol, I pwn that song on SingStar. Then the neighbours dogs start howling >.<

    She's having a falling dream.

    Are you having floods? We're having another drought. Suuuuuucks!

    Lots of love <3

  2. I absolutely love this song Tracy, even though I'm not much of an Evanescence fan. Hope you're okay and everything, you sound a little, drunk in this post? Hopefully things are good.

  3. You're not having a stroke, are you? I'm with Yeamie. This is a great song, but you're also kinda worrying me here. We're here if you need anything, even just to say hey how you doing?

  4. I love that song.

    Do you listen to Tarja? If you like Evanescence, I think you'd like her:

    Hope you're ok, muffin. <3 Don't be embarrassed. I love the sound of the rain on the eaves of the house at night. It's one of my favourite sounds ever.


  5. Why are you embarrassed? I like that song too. No worries.

  6. The song is not avalible in Canada and I don't understand your post. I like this!

  7. I have nothing else to add, except that I once had barbecued pork flavored potato chips, and they were awesome. No, I don't remember what brand they were, but your husband is NOT CRAZY!
