Wednesday, May 18, 2011

And Make me One of Them...Another Diversion

  i think Israeli's must be the most beautiful people on earth.


  1. Ok, that was a supercute video!

    Thank you so much for your awesome comment and that hugs. I just wanna hug you till you can't breathe then do all your housework for you :)

    LOVE YOU!!

  2. Agreed! I had a group of Israelis come to my school for a student exchange before, they make me so envious! And I'm binging in the evening after restricting during the day too... It sucks! Hope we'll both get out of this bad patch soon! :D

  3. One of our clients is from Israel, and he has a fabulous accent.

    He's kind of a douchebag though....


    You give me too much credit, my darling!

    I could use a diversion as well. I think we should go on a road trip. To Vegas. Fear-and-Loathing-style. :D


  4. P.S.

    Stupid Alpacalypse! I wanted some Alpaca fleece D:

