Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Now For A Funny.......

Warning. Kind of a Creepy Dream.....

    i had the weirdest dream last night....creepy, really. i dreamed that my Dad, (the Dad who died last Summer) was in the hospital and he was all skinny and sick, just like he was before he died, however, i was doing CPR on him and there was a doctor there telling me to do it. (Which is ridiculous because of course he had a DNR).  It was so awful....his body kept flopping around, his head was all twisty.....Then.....his body was IN THE BED with me!   Gah! i think i might have even yelped out loud a bit at that point.     

  So, i wonder what the meaning of all this Dad coming back to" haunt" me because i don't "Believe"...........enough?   Or because i don't believe the "right" thing, according to the majority of my family?
Or, is it just "that time of year"?   Who knows, but i had to tell someone and you are the lucky ones...yay, right?   Mich, we need artwork....Kidding!

  Anyway, the rest of life is just....going along, i guess. Husband says the meds are seeming to help with his depression a bit, i sooooo hope it continues.  Now, though we found out that his blood is basically Egg Nog....sigh. Off to get another 'scrip.  When he found out, he went and got in his flannel jammies and robe...he is great at the symbolism. Annnnnnd, i am soooo FAT!!!!!

     Oh, oh, new followers and commenters....Thank you, thank you!      You are so sweet!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Just Down

   Thanks everybody for your suggestion concerning husband. He is taking the medication and i hope after a bit it will at least take the edge off of everything he is going through.

   i just feel so sad.  i wish i could write a great and amusing and funny blog, like Mich or Hasidic Plumber or so many others too numerous to mention.....i just tend to sit and whine and who wants to read that dribble? i feel like crying right now. This morning i stayed in bed as long as possible, cowering from the world that to be honest, a great deal of the time i want no part of....just in another "Life Sucks" time, i suppose. It's past noon and i have yet to take a shower...eeeewwww.

  i used to LOVE Halloween, i mean, really love it. i would have all our outdoor decorations done by the first or second....not this year...i'll be lucky to get them done at all.

          'K, 'nuff of this self-imposed whine.

                          Love you All!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

More "Paris".......Because "It" Seems So Popular!

    Thank you, lovely commenters for you thoughts!

    It's kind of funny that a clip about "Paris" from a favorite tv show would turn in to a convo about the "City of Lights" (is that correct?).  My husband would love it because he loves ANYTHING French...and well, hates "Gilmore Girls".   Geddit?

  So another quite day here....husband has to work again  He has only been on his meds a couple of days, but i hope, hope, hope it at least take some of the edge off his depression, breaks my heart to see him this way...any guys out there with suggestions on how to help?

         Sorry this was such a downer.

               Love ya's.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

"I Hate the Rich...A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall..."

   I   l o v e  "Paris"!    Well, not much to report here.  Actually, i wanted to write alot, however, hub just arrived home...and...Well, the level of Clinical depression in this house is just...sad. (Ha!).

   Hey, new followers..yay!  Thank you sooooo much, i will name you in person when i have more time.  Must do this earlier in the day, obvs.  Had a very bizzare dream the other night....good for a blog?  Maybe you all can analyze me...what fun.

         Sorry to rush,
                Loves to All,

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

This Might Work.... get to that sweet video i wanted to post.  Rob, i hope this is okay with you!

Because i Love it, That's Why.....and New Weight Loss Regime!

       Oh, hey, Hi All!     Yep, it's been a while and guess what?  i think i have officially joined the "Can't Sleep Club".  Yay.   Thank you Doktor who knows nothing about me and put me on this wonderful new pill. T h a t ' s   right,  i've had me another vacay in you-know-where.  i must say, this was the suckiest place i have ever been (okay, it's 'cause they ran out of Diet Drinks.....and anyone who knows me.....knows that is what i live on during the day.)     A fellow inmate put it this way "We babies need out meals and our snacks and our medicine and our naps".     Ha, "Ellen" would say, "Anyway.....".  Hey, i did manage to drop a few, so that's to make it continue!

  So in the tradition of my amazing and wonderful blog (pffffffffffffffft), a truly lovely video.   Okay, so, as usual, i can't find the video i wanted, so here is another one i love!  Truly, deeply love!