Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Warning. Kind of a Creepy Dream.....

    i had the weirdest dream last night....creepy, really. i dreamed that my Dad, (the Dad who died last Summer) was in the hospital and he was all skinny and sick, just like he was before he died, however, i was doing CPR on him and there was a doctor there telling me to do it. (Which is ridiculous because of course he had a DNR).  It was so awful....his body kept flopping around, his head was all twisty.....Then.....his body was IN THE BED with me!   Gah! i think i might have even yelped out loud a bit at that point.     

  So, i wonder what the meaning of all this Dad coming back to" haunt" me because i don't "Believe"...........enough?   Or because i don't believe the "right" thing, according to the majority of my family?
Or, is it just "that time of year"?   Who knows, but i had to tell someone and you are the lucky ones...yay, right?   Mich, we need artwork....Kidding!

  Anyway, the rest of life is just....going along, i guess. Husband says the meds are seeming to help with his depression a bit, i sooooo hope it continues.  Now, though we found out that his blood is basically Egg Nog....sigh. Off to get another 'scrip.  When he found out, he went and got in his flannel jammies and robe...he is great at the symbolism. Annnnnnd, i am soooo FAT!!!!!

     Oh, oh, new followers and commenters....Thank you, thank you!      You are so sweet!!!


  1. This sounds like a really horrible dream to have. I've had some tough ones recently so I know how it feels! I'm glad to hear your husband is feeling a little bit better. Depending on what kind of meds he's on he should find this will continue until it reaches a really noticeable peak at six weeks onwards. Keep us updated on his progress in this blog. You deserve the new followers too, keep up with the good work!

  2. Every time I tell Rog I talked to my grandpa he asks me which one... And I say, "The one that is alive. Duh!" Yes, yes that was quite the dream.

  3. lad hubbie is feeling a bit better. And that dream sounds horrific! Could just be a delayed emotional reaction? I've had really weird and disturbing dreams about my grandmother like MONTHS after she died. I suppose we'll never really know what our subconsciouses get up to.....


  4. You know, one of the smartest things I was ever told about dreams was by my psychologist who spent most of his time with me in our sessions with a look of consternation which meant he was highly freaked out by me or extremely constipated. I'm not sure which. But he said the most important thing to extract from dreams was the feelings that occurred during the dreams and not necessarily the who's and what's. If I had to take a gander (which I realize you haven't asked me to do and is extremely forward of me) at it I'd say you probably still feel like it was out of your control and that is truly scary. But I hope you feel better soon and that your hubby's blood gets better too.
