Friday, June 3, 2011

Ha, ha, Mom Called me the "S" word the Other Day...And i Miss You All Sooooo Much!

So....Mom called me "slender" yesterday...isn't that just another word for FAT? At least, in "my" book. Don't wanna be "slender". Wanna be THIN. So, anyway.....

Life here goes least for now. It's so sad to see Dad like this...makes me want to cry...yep, i sometimes do. (Was the begining of this sentence super crass? Probably.)

Lots of family coming here next week. i am soooo looking forward to it. Yay!

Still trying to find a way to comment on your blogs. Stupid computers here. When big Sis is here, i can use hers, she said and maybe i can say a quick Hello.

Thank you all so much for your lovely comments. You bring tears of joy to me!



  1. Glad you're still hanging in there. <3 I think you deserve a real holiday after this. You're too good to everyone--you deserve to be good to yourself, too!

    I made you a pic of us.... :D

  2. Ummmm...
    Slender - adj. Gracefully thin; thin or slight of build.

  3. Hi, you're awesome.

    Love you!

