Yesterday, i "officially weighed TEN ugly, horrible, disgusting pounds more than my low from last summer. It was just awful, the worst feeling, you know? FATTY, McFatso! Thankfully, this morning i lost a couple, not without "help". i keep thinking i should post my height and weight, maybe that would do something about my lack of keep me in line...who knows.......but the way "it" bounces around lately.....i dunno.
Now i come here and my sweet "Glee" vid has beem removed...Grrrrrr. i wonder how many other vids will dissapear along the way...yes, abandonment many forms...even videos. SIGH.
Well, anyway, hope you all are having a good weekend,
xoxo, tracy
At least that's practically a whole year ago. Not like me, gaining TWELVE pounds in a month. >:( I blame Jesus. But we'll be skinny minnies again this summer. <3